• Text to Shop & Webchat - Information to help you find what you need - Text to Shop at 306-801-1777 and Web chat service located at bottom right of this page. 
  • Lost and found to keep track of the things you've lost - Contact Security at 306-241-5664.
  • Event information to let you know what's happening. Visit our events page at
  • Gift Cards - Gift Card sales for when you're just not sure what to buy - our Gift Card Vending Kiosk is located next to Booster Juice. Online Gift Card purchasing available at the top of this webpage. 
  • Phone Charging - You will find cellphone charging ports in the Food Terrace and Wifi Lounge.  Please bring your own cord.

For further updates, follow us on Facebook, and Instagram.



Two levels of climate controlled underground parking as well as above ground parking. 

The Parkade access is located at the front of the building between Entrance 1 and Entrance 2. Access is also available on the south side of the building off Acadia Drive or down drive lane behind Best Buy.

The parkade is open:

Monday to Saturday - 9 AM to 30 minutes after the last Cineplex movie ends.

Sunday - 10 AM to 30 minutes after the last Cineplex movie ends. 

The Centre also has an onsite Saskatoon Transit Hub.  Find it located near Entrance 5. For a list of  Routes & Schedules |  Transit passes available at Shoppers Drug Mart.


We kindly ask that mall patrons adhere to the designated Mall Walking hours from 7 AM to 10 AM daily. We also request your cooperation in observing proper Mall walking etiquette, especially as retailers commence opening their doors to the public at 10 AM. This arrangement ensures three hours of uninterrupted walking time for our valued guests. For those wishing to access the shopping center before 9 AM, we encourage the use of Entrance 6 (furthest right door) , conveniently situated in the Centre East hallway near Ardene. Please note that all other entrances and the parkade will be accessible starting at 9 AM.  

The use of additional fitness equipment (poles, sticks) are not allowed in the shopping centre.  

* Want to track your steps? Walk one complete lap from Best Buy Hallway to Ardene Superstore and back and you have walked 1 km.

** Personal belongings including coats are the responsibility of the walker.